I send warm and fraternal compliments to you. I am delighted and
concern in offering you this viable and profiting opportunity. After all necessary 
enquiries about your company, I am convinced and wish to invest my trust in you.

I am Madam Folake Abiola, ex wife of late MKO Abiola a philantropist and a reputable 
businessman who was killed by the then military government in his struggle to become 
the president. Recently, his "WILL" was reviewed to we members of his family and it 
happened that I inherited the sum of $85million with other properties attached to it. 
Unfortunately, other family members has become jealous because of the things I 
inherited and they are now threatening to kill me with the help of some local "MAFIAS" 
if I don't release all the properties which I inherited with the money to them. 
Already, the have succeeded in taking all the solid assets which I inherited and the 
only thing left with me is this $85million that I inherited. They have even made it 
impossible for me to talk to anybody on the telephone. My only means of communication 
now is my "LAWYER". 

Please, I am soliciting for your assistance enable me transfer this sum of $85million 
abroad for safe keeping and preferrebly invest the money in shares. I am willing to 
give 20% of the total sum to you for your assistance. I am so anxious to see that my 
money is transferred abroad before my enemies gets their hands on it. I will be so 
grateful,if you could be kind enough to assist me.I am putting all my trust in you. 
Please, I would like you to contact my Lawyer SAMUEL OKOYE (ESQ)so that he can help us 
arrange for the transfer of the money over to your country. His telephone number is: 
234 1 803 325 8798. Please contact him as soon as possible.

Thanks and God bless you,as I look forward to your response.

Yours Faithfully,

Madam Folake Abiola.

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