SUMMARY:  DOT has published its intent to establish a Big Brother system
of records and is soliciting public comments.  The DOT must consider the
comments it receives before finalizing its actions. These comments were a
big help last time around fighting National IDs in the guise of
standardized state drivers licenses.  Many fewer citizens have commented
on DOT's proposed data collection, however, and time and liberties are
running short.  Information about the system is printed below, as is a
short sample letter.  Feel free to write something longer, but even a
short statement of your opposition to the draconian record system and a
signature would be helpful.

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) intends to establish a system
of records which will collect information from all air travelers.  DOT
intends to release the information upon request to any agency "for the
hiring or retention of an individual, or issuance of a security clearance,
license, contract, grant, or other benefit."

DOT also intends to disclose the information it collects to any "Federal,
State, territorial, tribal, local, international, or foreign" agency when
DOT becomes aware of any indication of any criminal or civil infraction of
any "statute, rule, regulation, order, or license" by any person traveling
by air.  This applies even to citizens of the United States when flying
within their own country.

This is an outrageous assault on the Privacy Act, as well as an affront to
the privacy of law abiding U.S. citizens.  If you are concerned about the
collection and disclosure of information from air travelers and want the
DOT to rescind its proposal, please provide your comments to Yvonne L.
Coates at the address below.  Comments must be RECEIVED by February 24,
2003, to be considered.  A sample letter is also below.

   Yvonne L. Coates
   Department of Transportation
   Office of the Secretary
   400 7th Street, SW
   Washington, DC 20590

   (202) 366-6964 (telephone)
   (202) 366-7024 (fax)
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Internet address)

Reference:  Federal Register, January 15, 2003, Volume 68, Number 10,
Pages 2101-2103.

----------------- Begin Sample Letter -----------------------------

Dear Ms. Coates,

I am writing to voice my objections to DOT's proposed information
collection of airline passenger information published in the Federal
Register, January 15, 2003, Pages 2101-2103.  The proposed system is an
affront to the personal liberties on which this nation was founded.
Please rescind it.


Your Name.

------------------ End Sample Letter ------------------------------

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