
Consider a one-way hash function producing an m-bit
output,as an example let us consider a
4 bit output of a hash function,where M is the message
fed and H is the hashing function.

For a 4 bit hash function,in order to brute force,i.e
to find a message that hashes to the
same value would take  (2^m)+1 random messages,which
is 2^4=16+1=17 random messages. 

P(two random messages hashing to the same
P(two random messages not hashing to the same

Method 1
we find P(5 random messages not hashing to the same
hash value) 

When we choose 5 random messages,the number of message
pairs formed are n*(n-1)/2

i.e 5*4/2=10 pairs

P(5 random messages not hashing to the same hash
value)=0.9375^10 = 52%

Similarly P(5.2 random messages not hashing to the
same hash value)=0.9375^10.92 = 50%

Method 2

The number of random messages needed for the chance to
be 50%  that 2 random messages hash to
the same value is also given as 1.2*(k^0.5)

For our example k=16 and

1.2*(16^0.5)=4.8 random messages are needed so that 2
random messages hash to the same value.

Method 3
Book says finding 2 messages that hash to the same
value takes hashing only 2^(m/2) random

i.e in our example 2^(4/2)=4  random messages.

So how many random messages do I need to hash to the
same value.

1. Is it 5.2 random messages or 4.8  or 4?
2. Is not Method 1 that yields the accurate solution?
3. Are Method 2 and 3 approximations and how is 
1.2*(k^0.5) actually obtained?
4. Is it that Method 2 is approximated to Method
3,since eg.  for a 160 bit output 

   Method 2 yields 1.2*(2^(160/2))= 1.2*2^80 which is
the number of random messages required
so  that they hash to the same value.While Method 3
simply gives 2^(m/2) which would be

Book further says-"If you want to drop the odds of
some one breaking your system to less than
1 in 2^80,use a 160 bit one-way hash function".

The birthday attack only works when we find 2 random
messages that hashes to the same value.
Here we know one message and we hash it to obtain an
output value.Now we are trying to find
a random message that hashes to the same value.

P(One random message that hashes to the same

We will have to hash 2^159 messages,assuming that we
succeed at 50% and will not be 2^80 as book

How do we justify this?

Thank you.

Regards Sarath.

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