Title: Watch My Announcement on My New Website!

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Dear Friend,

On Wednesday, February 19, I will formally announce my candidacy for President of the United States. While I will be making my announcement in St. Louis, I hope you will visit my new Website www.DickGephardt2004.com to watch the event in streaming video.

I believe that we can change the balance of power in Washington by building a platform of new ideas based upon our common Democratic principles. I look forward to offering my own vision and a new direction for our domestic, economic and national security policies.

Be sure to visit my Website to watch my announcement. Just click www.DickGephardt2004.com to watch my announcement Wednesday afternoon.

With your help, we will wage a winning campaign that will lead to a more secure and a more prosperous future for all Americans.

Thank you,

Dick Gephardt
Dick Gephardt

Plus: Gephardt Hits the Airwaves

Here is a complete schedule of television appearances Dick Gephardt plans to make throughout the week - including live coverage of his announcement speech Wednesday on C-SPAN at 10 am EST.

Be sure to tune in!

Wednesday, February 19, 2003
NBC’s The Today Show, 7-9 am EST
     - One on one interview with Matt Lauer
C-SPAN Live Broadcast of Announcement, 10 am EST
CNN’s Inside Politics, 4-5 pm EST
     - One on one interview with Judy Woodruff

Sunday, February 23, 2003
NBC’s Meet the Press - Check local listings

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