Harmon Seaver wrote on February 21, 2003 at 20:40:51 -0600:

> On Fri, Feb 21, 2003 at 11:10:11PM -0000, Tom Veil wrote:
> >
> > If you would trade Castro for Bush, you're either a totalitarian monster,
> > or simply insane.
>     Bush is obviously both.

He's neither. I tend to think he's a well-meaning statist idiot.

This of course, doesn't excuse his crimes.

If you truly see no difference between the two, I wonder if, upon getting the
opportunity to do so, you would vote with a raft and be the first person ever
to emigrate from the US to Castro's Cuba.

> > In any case, I've added you to my blacklist.
>    Interesting that you have to speak from behind a remailer.

I use remailers so I can state my opinions with complete and total impunity,
without fear that my words will be used against me at some point in the future.

> Not that I'm even remotely opposed to remailers, I love them and use them all
> the time, but I also know that when someone uses one for converstations such
> as this, it's because of pure cowardice.

That's your opinion. I'm sure many on this list see it as prudence.

>    Why don't you come out in the open so we can killfile you?

If you can't killfile me, you're incompetent. I always use the same nym.

> You're sounding more and more like a LEO troll.

If I was a LEO, would I have called for the killing of gun-grabbing LEOs
in a recent Usenet post?

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