Cypher Punk
Cypher, this FREE* Ericsson R300LX Prepaid Wireless Phone, valued at $134.98 is currently being held awaiting details for shipment to you.

Click here now and verify your address (we want to make sure your Ericsson R300LX Prepaid Wireless Phone is delivered directly to you) and to make arrangements for you to receive your Wireless Phone at no charge.

Your Approval Status entitles you to receive your FREE* Ericsson RX300LX Prepaid Wireless Phone valued at $134.98 and sign up for TXNet as your new Internet Service Provider.

Click here to take advantage of this offer and get TXNet as your new ISP and your FREE* Wireless Phone for only $9.95 a month. If you act now you'll get a FREE $10 AT&T Wireless Free2GoSM Prepaid calling card!
Ericsson R300LX Digital Wireless Phone!

• FREE* Ericsson Digital Wireless Phone
• FREE $10 AT&T Wireless Free2GoSM Prepaid Calling Card
• FREE Handsfree Kit! (reg. $24.99)
• FREE Voicemail, Caller ID, and Text Messaging!

*You must remain a TXNet paying customer in good credit standing for 90 days to be eligible for this prepaid wireless phone package offer. Completion of redemption certificate is required to redeem your Free phone package (certificate and redemption instructions will be mailed in welcome package). Offer available for new TXNet ISP customers only. Must be 18 years of age or older. Current TXNet customers are not eligible for this offer. Offer valid for US residents only. Not responsible for lost or stolen certificates or prizes. Promotion subject to change and not valid with other promotions (including other TXNet promotions). One offer per household. Certain restrictions apply. Prepaid wireless phone offer fulfilled by Simply Wireless. TXNet and Simply Wireless reserve the right to substitute a comparable phone of equal value for the one advertised.

Copyright © 2003 TXNet, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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