Title: IDEAS from ZweigWhite

Two New AEC Directories for Your Firm's Marketing Efforts

2003 Associations Directory

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Order by phone: Call toll free 1-800-466-6275 (M-F, 8:30-5:30 ET). Please mention "Promo code F1291.

  • Identify the key associations that your staff should be participating in
  • Refer to as a market research and industry trend identification source
  • Plan and schedule speaking & exhibiting opportunities for your firm

The 2003 Associations Directory should be an essential tool in your AEC firm's business development program. This comprehensive quick reference guide features over 400 association profiles of client organizations relevant to the AEC industry. Each industry listing contains contact information; an overview of the association; information about chapters, membership, and councils; a listing of association publications and educational services; and a listing of upcoming major events/conferences.

Membership in and knowledge of client associations and organizations can be a critical part of connecting with new and existing clients. Associations provide excellent opportunities to initiate relationships with new potential clients as well as being a cost-effective way to maintain key relationships with your existing clients. Associations are also a source for obtaining information about specific industries your firm is interested in, the ongoing challenge of every firm. You can also take advantage of opportunities to promote your firm/principals as industry experts, thus gaining an important competitive edge.

The 2003 Associations Directory will save you hours of research time, freeing you to do the truly important tasks, such as interfacing with clients and acquiring potential new projects.

Only $175.00; Published 2003, 152 pages, 8.5x10; Ships: within 1 week

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Order by phone: Call toll free 1-800-466-6275 (M-F, 8:30-5:30 ET). Please mention "Promo code F1291."

2003 Awards Directory

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Order by phone: Call toll free 1-800-466-6275 (M-F, 8:30-5:30 ET). Please mention "Promo code F1291."

  • Determine which award programs best match your firm’s expertise
  • Decide which programs make the most budgetary sense
  • Identify which programs provide the most exposure and notoriety for your firm
  • Ascertain which programs best promote your existing client base and get the attention of prospect clients

Now (more than ever) is the time to receive the credit and commendation your firm deserves for its good works. Through proper promotion and gaining of notoriety, you can make an indelible mark on the AEC industry that will cause prospective clients to stand and take note. The 2003 Awards Directory is your guide to AEC industry awards programs and the recognition you deserve.

The 2003 Awards Directory is comprised of 550+ individual award programs geared for architects, engineers, contractors, land planners, landscape architects, interior designers, estimators, and other allied professionals. Each award listing contains the name of the award, description, the entry deadline, entry fee, perks and publicity, award categories, and contact information. Use this comprehensive marketing tool to save hours of research time, giving you a jump in your planning process while expediting internal decision-making.

The 2003 Awards Directory also includes a planning guide to assist your firm in developing an awards program schedule and budget for the year. It also has two simple index systems that allow you to find the award you’re looking for by name and by discipline.

Only $175.00; Published 2003, 112 pages, 8.5x10; Ships: within 1 week

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Order by phone: Call toll free 1-800-466-6275 (M-F, 8:30-5:30 ET). Please mention "Promo code F1291."

Only $145
AEC Web Site Cookbook
Only $345
2003 Successful Firm Survey
Only $345
2003 Valuation Survey
Only $145
A/E Financial Fitness Plan
Only $195
A/E Job Descriptions

Who is ZweigWhite? ZweigWhite provides the management expertise and information that helps design and construction firms be more competitive, overcome obstacles, set goals, and reach them. The firm was founded by management guru Mark Zweig in 1988 with just a thousand bucks in capital and a vision of improving the management practices in design and construction firms. Today, ZweigWhite is far and away the largest, most diverse organization devoted exclusively to serving the needs of design and construction firms from coast to coast.

Find out more by visiting us on the web at zweigwhite.com

Ideas from ZweigWhite provides announcements, news, and discount offers to the design and construction community. Copyright 2003, ZweigWhite. All rights reserved.

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Who is ZweigWhite? ZweigWhite provides the management expertise and information that helps design and construction firms be more competitive, overcome obstacles, set goals, and reach them. Find out more by visiting us on the web at http://www.zweigwhite.com.

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Natick, MA 01760
Managing the business of design & construction

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