Turkey-Ankara 1st March anti-war demo;
over 400 anarchists in Black Block

Anarchists attended Ankara 1st of March anti-war demo as "Black Block" in which there were people walking within unions, political parties, NGOs and various leftist groups. According to the mainstream media 60.000, according to the organizers 100.000 demostrated. The march started at 10:00 and 4 hours later there were still groups who could not enter Sihhiye Square.

In this demo "Black Block" consisting of anarchists from different group and individuals coming from various cities reached the highest number and highest enthusiasm in the history of Turkish anarchist movement. We were carrying lots of banners
"WE SHALL NOT BE ANYONE'S SOLDIER", "NO", "REJECT, RESIST, SAY NO!", "CAPITALISM KILLS", "ANARCHIST REBEL AGAINST THE WAR", "DON'T BE A SOLDIER", "LET THE STATE NOT EXIST", circled "A", tens of black, black-red, black-purple flags, and lots of placards. With participation of anarchists from universities, unions etc. Black Block was about 400 anarchists (according to some it once became 600, for some it was about 500). It consisted anarchists from Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir, Bursa, Antalya, Usak, Malatya, Sakarya, Bolu, Denizli, Corlu (Tekirdag), Eskisehir, Samsun, Antakya and (probably) from some more places we did not know and even there were few comrades from France, Italy, Greece and Finland. Gay and lesbians from Kaos GL and Istanbul-Lambda walked in front of our cortege and sometimes we shouted same/common slogans.

Some slogans were:
"You cannot make revolution! You cannot buy it! It exists in your soul or nowhere!", "Anarchist Rebel against the war", "War is a shitty thing", "We are anti, anti-militarist", "We shall not be anyone's soldier", "Make war! Make war! There is shit! There is shit!", "No party no leader give power/shoulder to anarchy", "Rebel revolution anarchy", "We won't die we won't kill we will not be anyone's soldier", "Reject Resist Say No! Don't be a Soldier", "One Solution Revolution One Solution Anarchy", "Let's raid the parliament, let's make it funfair", "Killer State! We will smash it!"

Ozgur Hayat (former AGF) group -who are isolated by anarchists forming Black Block because of their violent acts against the other anarchists- came to the demo from Istanbul (mostly) and were about 60-70. They wanted to walk near Black Block but we did not let them to walk nearby.


web addresses of photos and videos of the demo video link:
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