I am sorry for the way i am presenting this appeal to you.
This is because i do not have the money and connection to open my own web-site.
I need somebody to sponsor or partner with me to establish a communication centre / 
Agricultural farm.

Setting up communication centres and starting up a big agricultural farm has always 
been my dream. Whereas finance has always hampered this dream,. Each and every passing 
year has further put the actualization of this dream beyond me.
By faith I would actualise it this year. God would use you to do it.
Worthy of note is that the proceed secondarily would go to the needy in my society.

I cannot and would not lie, by claiming to be a victim of any form of disaster.
Neither can i bring myself to defrauding anybody as my conscience and religion is 
strongly against it. This is why i would rather ask.

So i would very much appreciate it if you would have compassion and assist me in any 
way you can.
Mans help to his fellow man when he cries out for help reduces the number of 
destitutes in the street.
The destitute and their children would pray thanking God.

You can help by donating agricultural materials/ machineries,

By helping us with a website.

By teaming up with us. Infact what soever  the Lord lays in your heart to do for us, 
do not hesitate to do it.

Give and it shall be given unto you full measure  pressed down shaken together running 

Give a helping hand no matter how little.

Best regards,

Mr. Xavie Okoti.

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