I just realized this morning that corporations can't exiest in an anarchy,
they are whole a fiction of the state. And, since corporations are just a method
for thieves and criminals to evade the reprecussions of their crimes, i.e., no
personal financial or legal responsibility as there would be in private
ownerships or partnerships. 
   Which is great -- if the state withers away, the megacorps goes with
it. People will hold the employees of the megacorps personally responsible, as
they should be, for the crimes of the group. The new car you bought turns out to
be a lemon? Grab a few of the employees and make them cough up the money. Don't
like the pollution coming out of that smokestack, start shooting employees until
they clean it up. 
   If corporations go away, people would form contractual partnerships to build
cars, whatever, and act much more responsible. 

Harmon Seaver   

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