NEW Zealand police marksmen were on hand to protect Prime Minister John Howard as he laid a wreath at the nation's war memorial in Wellington today.

Two marksmen were stationed in the memorial's bell tower to watch over around 15 protesters.
Another armed policeman was based across the road from the memorial.

Just 15 anti-war protesters were also at the memorial for Mr Howard's visit, but in a sign of the concerns about his security there was a large number of police in addition to the marksmen.

Up to 1,500 protesters are expected to descend on the NZ parliament this afternoon when Mr Howard meets the Kiwi cabinet and makes a speech to a special lunch.
Among the protesters at the memorial was a Dominican monk who was able to lay a wreath for peace after Mr Howard had left.

A banner calling Mr Howard the "warmonger of Oz" was in clear view of the memorial as the prime minister attended.

A couple of the protesters yelled out to Mr Howard, urging him to bring home the 2,000 Australian troops now predeployed to the Middle East.

The short service itself went simply, with Mr Howard and his wife Janette laying the wreath before former NZ soldier Alan Johnston recited a part of the Commemoration of the Fallen.

Mr Howard is now meeting NZ Opposition Leader Bill English before heading to the nation's parliament.

He is due back in Australia this afternoon.,5478,6103524%255E421,00 .html

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