TELEPHONE: 234-1-776 0962
FAX: 234-1-759-4725                               

I am pleased to get across to you for a very urgent
and profitable business proposal, though I don't know
you neither have I seen you before but my confidence
was reposed on you when the Chief Executive of Lagos
State chamber of Commerce and Industry handed me your
contact for a confidential business. 
I am the manager of United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA),
Ilupeju branch, Lagos Nigeria.
The intended business is thus; We had a customer, a
Foreigner (a Turkish) resident in Nigeria, he was a
Contractor with one of the Government Parastatals.He
has in his Account in my branch the sum of US 38.6
Million (Thirty Eight Million, Six Hundred Thousand
U.S. Dollars).
Unfortunately, the man died four years ago until today
non-of his next of kin has come forward to claim the
Having noticed this, I in collaboration with two other
top Officials of the bank have covered up the account
all this while.  
Now we want you (being a foreigner) to be fronted as
one of his next of kin and forward your account and
other relevant documents to be advised to you by us to
attest to the Claim. 

We will use our positions to get all internal
documentations to back up the claims .The whole
procedures will last only five working days to get the
fund retrieved successfully without trace even now or
in future.
Your response is only what we are waiting for as we
have arranged all necessary things. As soon as this
message comes to you kindly get back to me indicating
your interest, then I will furnish you with the whole
procedures to ensure that the deal is successfully

For your assistance we have agreed to give you twenty
five percent (25%) of the Total sum at the end of the
transaction while 65% would be for my colleagues and I
and the remaining 10% would be for any form of
expenses that may be incurred during the course of the
transaction which would be given to us when the money
is transferred into your account before splitting the
balance on the agreed percentage of 65% to 25%. 
I await your earliest response.  


Yours Sincerely,


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