GCHQ worker held after leak

Release of memo reflects deep unease in Whitehall

Jeevan Vasagar and Richard Norton-Taylor
Monday March 10, 2003
The Guardian

An employee at GCHQ, the government's electronic eavesdropping centre, has been arrested under the Official Secrets Act after the Observer published an article based on a leaked US intelligence memo.
The Observer reported last week that the US is intercepting telephone calls and emails of foreign delegates to the UN security council.
The front-page article was based on a memo written by a senior official at the National Security Agency (NSA), the US equivalent of GCHQ, which advised that the US wanted information on "policies", "negotiating positions" and "alliances" of security council members.
The Observer said yesterday that the memo had been leaked to it "by British security sources who objected to being asked to aid the American operation".
A 28-year-old woman employee at GCHQ was arrested last week by Gloucestershire police and released on bail.
A GCHQ spokesman declined to give further details and would not confirm the arrest was linked to the Observer article.
The leak of the memo reflects deep unease throughout Whitehall, including the security and intelligence services, about the Bush administration's conduct in the growing Iraq crisis.
It is severely embarrassing to GCHQ and to Tony Blair at a time of widespread doubts about the morality of an invasion of Iraq.
If GCHQ acted on the memo - by eavesdropping on targets simply to strengthen the US and British governments' negotiating position in the UN, on an issue itself disputed on legal grounds - it could be found in breach of the 1994 Intelligence Services Act.
Grave doubts about the morality of their instructions were expressed privately by GCHQ officials during the 1956 Suez crisis, when they were asked to provide intelligence for an invasion of Egypt, whose highly questionable morality was compounded by secret collusion with Israel.
The memo has reignited suspicions among countries (notably France) which have accused London and Washington of abusing their close intelligence relationship.
It says that surveillance operations should be stepped up on UN security council members "minus US and GBR [Britain] of course".
It is believed the memo was sent out via Echelon, an international surveillance system set up by the NSA.
France and other European countries have long claimed that the system, which links the US, Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, is a privileged Anglo-Saxon club which has been put to improper use.
The British government has always vigorously denied this, insisting it is only used to monitor genuine threats to national security, hostile powers, and to help fight terrorism.
The memo, sent in January by Frank Koza, chief of staff in the "regional targets" section of the NSA, says the agency is "mounting a surge" aimed at how delegations on the security council will vote. It is investigating the whole "gamut of information that could give US policymakers an edge in obtaining results favourable to US goals or to head off surprises".
It makes it clear that home telephones of UN delegates should be tapped.

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