More Rallies, where to for the Anti-war movement
by up and over
Thursdays rally, whilst highly impressive in being able to bring so many people together in such a short period of time, still left me less than inspired.

The old roll of speakers was brought out, and one after another they condemned the war. Some were more radical, others urged people to write to their parliamentarians. What the hell that is likely to achieve I'd like to know.
One seemed to get the impression if we just listen to one more speaker, got 1000 more people or walked another kilometre then the war would be stopped. But we've had massive rallies, up to 200 000 in Melbourne, and the war has begun, and the killing will continue until the peace movement sheds it liberal democratic (and even worse) politics.
The rallies are based on a presumption that our democracy some how functions. That by signing the petition, chanting lots and rallying in the streets the politicians will be forced to listen.
But politicians only hear the sounds of money and power. They will only give up that power when forced to do so. What the peace movement needs to do it raise the social cost of war; sick-ins, road blocking, strikes, disobedience. Whilst massive rallies can be good for getting lots of people together, if all we continue to do is walk for hours people begin to feel disempowered. I came away from the rally wondering how positively passive the crowd was. I am enormously angry and filled with rage about what the capitalist elites decide that they can do to OUR world with absolutely zero participation from me or my community.

To stop the war we must be ungovernable and to do that we need to get organized.

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