>From Carol Williams 
#43 Queens' Drive 
Accra Ghana 

Dear sir,
You may be surprised to receive this letter from me since you do not know me 
personally. I am Mrs Carol Williams, a widow and the wife of late Henry Ekun Williams 
a great farmer and a stunch member of the opposition party Movement for Democratic 

(M.D.C) who was recently murdered in the land dispute in Zimbabwe by Government troop 
. Before the death of my husband,he made a deposit of US$18.5 Million (Eighteen 
Million,Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars),in one of the Finance and securit
y companies in Accra Ghana,as if he foresaw the looming danger in Zimbabwe.This amount 
was meant for the purchase of new machines (Tractors) and chemicals for our new larg 
farm in Harare. 

The land dispute arose when Zimbabwean President Mr.Robert Mugabe introduced a new 
Land Act Reform which wholly affected the rich white (European) farmers and some few 
black farmers. This resulted to the killing and uprising between Zimbabwean oppositi
on and the members of the ruling ZANU-PF PARTY of Mugabe.A lot of people have been 
killed because of this land reformed which my husband was one of the victims. It is 
against this background that, I and my three children ran to Accra Ghana as political
refugees. Now my late husband close friend who is a staff in the Finance and security 
company, has advise us to look for a trustworlthy foreign investor who can assist us 
to invest in a profitable project overseas for the up keep of my three children a
nd for future investment as there is economic insatibilty in Ghana. In Ghana we are 
leaving like refugees and the law of Ghana prohibits refugees to open any bank account 
or to be involved in any huge financial transaction throughout the territorial zone

s of Ghana. As a widow, I am saddled with the responsibility of seeking a genuine 
foreign account where this money could be transferred safely for future investment or 
for joint ventures. Therefore what I am looking for is an honest and trust worlthy i
ndividual whom we can entrust the future my family, I must also let you know that this 
transaction is 100% risk free as the money involved belong to my late husband and was 
willed for the family. 

If you accept to assist my family, all I want from you is to act as my husband 
business partner overseas and open new account with at least US$100.00 (Hundred 
dollars) only with your name as the account owner and send it to me for submition to 
the fina
nce company so that after getting approval from the finance and security company, the 
fund will be transferred in that account or if you have an existing account we can 
make use of it just for the purpose of this transaction. Alternatively we can make a

rrangement for you to come down to Accra Ghana to help us open a non-resident account 
in your name which will aid us in transferring the money into any account of your 
choice overseas.

For assisting to help,we will give you 25% of the money for assisting us , 5% will be 
set aside for any incidental expenses that may be encured in the process of the 
transaction while the remaining 70% will remain for my family. 
You can also go into partnership with my family for the proper profitable investment 
of this money in your country. 

Please contact me immediately through my son's e-mail address [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Finally, please try to maintain the confidentiality this transaction requires till the 
fund is confirmed in your account

Best regards, 
Mrs. Carol Williams for the family 

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