
Starting a war with saudi is a simple thing.How ever
unless they don't find enough oil in iraq,they will
turn onto KSA.
How ever Saudi with Mecca and Madina is a dangerous
country to attack.Saudi will surely take it as a war
on muslims and the impact of that is severe.Saudi is
the holy country.Its not like attaking iraq.

Regards Sarath.

On Thu, 20 Mar 2003, Bill Frantz wrote:

> One view of the war in Iraq is that it is to assure
an oil supply so 
we can
> take on Saudi Arabia, home of three quarters of the
911 hijackers.

Makes sense, use Saudia Arabia as a land base to take
over Iraq, then
use Iraq as a land base to take over Saudia Arabia. 
Then watch all US
skyscrapers fall from angry Colombians.  Makes a lot
of sense to W I'm

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

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