Title: Jane's Air Forces News Briefs: 19 March 2003
19 March 2003

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Harrier strikes mark UK’s successful build-up of air assets
For more, click here.
[Jane’s Defence Weekly – 14 March 2003]

US Air Force tests world's largest PGM
On 12 March the US Air Force conducted the first test detonation of what it says is "the largest non-nuclear weapon in existence", writes Doug Richardson.
[Jane’s Missiles and Rockets – first posted to http://jmr.janes.com – 18 March 2003]

UK completes build-up of air assets
UK Royal Air Force (RAF) officials have announced the completion of its deployment of 100 fixed-wing aircraft and 27 support helicopters to aid a possible US-led invasion of Iraq.
[Jane’s Defence Weekly – first posted to http://jdw.janes.com – 14 March 2003]

UN presses Iraq over drone intentions
Iraq displayed the unmanned air vehicle (UAV) at the centre of a dispute with the UN Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC) to journalists at a facility near Baghdad on 12 March, while refuting US allegations that it could be used to disperse chemical and biological warfare agents.
[Jane’s Defence Weekly – first posted to http://jdw.janes.com– 14 March 2003]

India boosts its air-launched arsenal
India is moving forward with a range of new airborne weapon programmes that will significantly enhance the combat power of the Indian Air Force (IAF). An over-riding priority for the IAF is the expansion of its standoff land-attack and precision-guided munition capabilities.
[Jane’s Defence Weekly – first posted to http://jdw.janes.com – 14 March 2003]

UK studies benefits of expendable drone
Roke Manor Research has revealed to Jane's Defence Weekly that it is working on developmental expendable unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) for the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD).
[Jane’s Defence Weekly – first posted to http://jdw.janes.com – 14 March 2003]

Australia pursues manned/unmanned surveillance mix
The Australian Department of Defence has re-oriented its plans to acquire unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and launched new initiatives to ensure that the systems to be bought both complement each other and form part of an overall integrated surveillance architecture. Efforts now being pursued include Air 7000 (New Maritime Patrol and Response Capability), which seeks to replace the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) fleet of 19 upgraded AP-3C Orions with a combination of UAVs and manned platforms; Phase 2 of Joint Project 129 (JP129), which is initially aimed at providing tactical UAV systems for operation by the Australian Army at brigade level; the development over the next year of a UAV 'roadmap' for the Australian Defence Force (ADF), covering desired capabilities and the experimentation needed to support acquisition decisions; and the development by early 2004 of a national surveillance architecture, considering both military and civilian needs (including the Customs Coastwatch system).
[Jane’s International Defense Review – first posted to http://idr.janes.com – 12 March 2003]

EADS promotes A330 tanker/transport in Australia
The Military Transport Aircraft Division of EADS CASA plans to bid a variant of its Multi-Role Tanker Transport (MRTT) based on the Airbus 330-200 airliner in competition with Boeing's 767 Tanker Transport for Australia's Air 5402 Phase 1 project, for which the country's Department of Defence issued a draft request for tenders (RFT) in November 2002.
[Jane’s International Defense Review – first posted to http://idr.janes.com – 13 March 2003]

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