On 21 Mar 2003 at 23:01, Jamie Lawrence wrote:
> We all want to get rid of spam. I think most folks on this 
> list are in favor of using market dynamics to influence 
> behaviour. I think adding an artificial fee to sending email 
> is stupid. It is creating false scarcity to fix a broken 
> system. Further, it will end up becoming a new profit center 
> for ISPs - send an email, pay 5 (or whatever) cents. I I know 
> this is being thought about, but what about ad-hoc lists like 
> CP? Who will pay for AOL delivery for that? Who pays for 
> Sender pays is stupid. Don't support false scarcity.

The intention is sender pays, recipient is paid, reflecting the 
real scarcity of readers time.   Mailing lists would be sent 
out without postage, but with cryptographic signature, and 
subscribers would have to OK it.   Letters to the list would be 
accompanied by payment, which would be something considerably 
less than a cent, which would yield a profit to the mailing
list operators. 

         James A. Donald

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