Ken Brown:
> > > But there certainly was some assistance from the US to
> > > the Taliban. US They didn't buy those 500 Stingers in
> > > Kmart

James A. Donald:
> >Commie lies. 
> > At the beginning of the recent Afghan war the US estimated
> > the Taliban had at most fifty stingers.  During the war it
> > became apparent that they had far fewer, probably only the
> > twelve that Hekmatyar gave them.

Tyler Durden
> 1. What makes these "lies" as you claim "commie"? Do you
> think that by impugning US policy in the region we are by
> implication stating that the forced exit of the Soviets was
> bad?


The demonization of US allies in Afghanistan is usually
accompanied by a whitewash of the Soviet regime they were
fighting -- as for example in the much repeated lie that the US
intervened in Afghanistan before the Soviets did -- see the
http://groups.google.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
for Nathan Folkert's response to this lie.

> Quite saying "commie" all the time. All the commies are dead,
> except for 1 in Cuba and a couple of really old guys in rural
> China.

Yet oddly, I encounter the ideology and program of Pol Pot
every day in the newsgroups.  Dan Clore is still defending the
Khmer Rouge, and G*rd*n assures us we have no way of knowing
that Kim in North Korea has done anything wrong, people are
still arguing that Stalin's efforts to subdue Greece was a
spontaneous uprising of the oppressed Greek masses against
their fascist overlords, and that Stalin's alliance with Hitler
was forced on him by the planned imperialist aggression of
Britain and the US.

> 2. You knowledge of history is as shoddy as your ability to
> spot communists and their "lies". The CIA actively recruited
> and trained Isalmic religious students and helped build and
> arm the Taliban.

The Taliban did not exist until long after the CIA had entirely
forgotten about Afghanistan.

As the enemies of the Taliban pointed out frequently and
vigorously, the people who became the Taliban had no freedom
fighter credentials, had not fought against the Soviet Union. 
Since they had not fought against the Soviets they had not
received aid from the US.

         James A. Donald

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