Statement of the Federación Anarquista Uruguaya
> MASSACRE IN IRAQ - US Real Capitalism in action.
> And so it finally happened. The massacre in Iraq on the part of
> the US Empire was an announced horror. It wanted to carry it out
> whatever. It was enough, as Chomsky said recently, for there to
> be a knife in Iraq. But in the end, not even a knife was
> necessary. International organizations, "Right", the widespread
> opposition of the people, nothing mattered.
> Its language is brute force. The hammer of power is its history.
> A trail of blood and violation is its business card. A long
> chain of infamy marks its interventions, the murders and macabre
> games of the CIA. The people of Latin America feel its effects
> in their bodies: bullets and hunger.
> But this is not the exclusive of the US empire. It is the
> everyday product of this system, applied, to be sure, in
> agreement with multiple conditions.
> This system of privilege for the few depends on force and
> violence alone. It hides its monstrosity under a robe - phantom
> institutions, symbols to justify their existence, repressive
> mechanisms that assure their control in the name of general
> order. Today, its robe has fallen and we can see it clearly for
> what it is.
> And the USA is the paradigmatic expression of the system, it is
> hegemonic, it is the number one instigator of world neo-liberal
> designs that have killed millions of human beings through
> hunger. One which kills through misery and missiles.
> Do not be mistaken, it is a cold, calculated strategy - the US
> empire wants more power; it wants to redraw the world to its
> benefit, to discipline bodies for this stage of the system, to
> be the first economic power. It also wants total political
> protection for transnationals, and it wants the oil. For our
> area it wants the FTAA.
> The disgusting cynicism of Bush is cruelly graphic of an
> ideology of power. It cares nothing for any values and it
> totally scorns the world's intelligence. Not even Orwell could
> imagine such self-confidence - the murderous violence and fear
> legitimizes everything. A lesson that history gives the lukewarm
> and timorous, to those who ask permission to criticize, to those
> who still believe that deep within this system there is place
> for the poor of the world.
> This is a historic moment of brutal violence by those in power.
> But there is also one historical constant - the people have
> always responded, they have always resisted.
> With the people of Iraq in this tragic moment
> We totally repudiate the genocide perpetrated by the US empire
> and its lackeys.
> Federación Anarquista Uruguaya

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