On Sunday, March 23, 2003, at 11:38 AM, J.A. Terranson wrote:

"The United States expects Iraq to treat captured U.S. and allied troops
humanely, President Bush said Sunday. "If there is somebody captured -- and
it looks like there may be -- I expect those people to be treated
humanely," he said."

No problem: I'm sure they'll get better treatment than the POWs at
Guantanamo.  They may even survive.

If my area were to be invaded by foreign troops in an undeclared war, and in a war I had not started, I would feel justified in killing prisoners immediately.

Having the Americans stored in cages identical to the ones at Gitmo would be deeply ironic.

Fox "Fair AND Balanced!" News is whining that the U.S. liberators are encountering resistance from "illegal soldiers": guerillas not dressed in official uniforms.

Fox ("Fair AND Balanced!!") is also whining that videotaping the captured American POWs violates the Geneva Convention...this as they have been showing the captured Iraqi POWs kneeling the sand with their shoes removed and their hands Tie-Wrapped.

(One Fox newsbimbo was clucking a few days ago about how primitive and silly the Iraqi captured soldiers are, that "the Iraqi Army cannot even afford to provide them with shoes." Apparently she had no realization that one of the first things done to most POWs is to remove their shoes to make it harder for them to later escape. Apparently she also failed to realize that her own showing of the images, then laughing at their shoelessness, is just exactly the "exposing to ridicule" that her own network is now claiming is a violation of Geneva Conventions. Duh.)

--Tim May
"Gun Control: The theory that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and
strangled with her panty hose, is somehow morally superior to a woman explaining to police how her attacker got that fatal bullet wound"

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