US raid 'may have caused deaths' (english)
BBC 11:18am Thu Mar 27 '03 (Modified on 11:48am Thu Mar 27 '03)

27.03.2003 [05:12]

A bombing raid in Baghdad may have resulted in civilian casualties, coalition Central Command has acknowledged.

US raid 'may have caused deaths' (english) (full story and one comment)

Amerrika shutdown Iraqi Internet sites!! (english)
old reporter 11:14am Thu Mar 27 '03 (Modified on 11:51am Thu Mar 27 '03)

democracy at work, the Amerrikan way.

Amerrika shutdown Iraqi Internet sites!! (english) (full story and one comment)

War Could Last Months, Some Military Officers Say (english)
Thomas E. Ricks 11:13am Thu Mar 27 '03

27.03.2003 [05:15]

Despite the rapid advance of Army and Marine forces across Iraq over the past week, some senior U.S. military officers are now convinced that the war is likely to last months and will require considerably more combat power than is now on hand there and in Kuwait, senior defense officials said today.

War Could Last Months, Some Military Officers Say (english) (full story)

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