Remember what we were talking about a few days ago, about Bush maybe seeing himself as the key actor in a Christian fundamentalist millenialist "Left Behind" Rapture sequence? Remember what I said about Babylon, the Antichrist, JC's reign for a thousand years?

The "Washington Post" ran an article several weeks ago, March 8, reporting the same thing:

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I just saw it today, referenced by someone on one of the newsgroups. Here are several paragraphs, under Fair Use. Read the full article.

Direst of Predictions For War in Iraq
End-Time Interpreters See Biblical Prophecies Being Fulfilled

Will Invasion of Iraq Beget Armageddon?

By Bill Broadway
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, March 8, 2003; Page B09

In recent weeks, the prophetic interpreters have been citing a new reason they believe the end is coming: the impending U.S. war with Iraq. Anxious discussions have arisen on prophecy Web sites, in Bible study groups and churches, and at such gatherings as last month's 20th International Prophecy Conference in Tampa. Its title: "Shaking of Nations: Living in Perilous Times."
"The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East," writes John, possibly the apostle, of a container of God's anger emptied on the ancient land of Babylon, now Iraq. The kings will move their armies through the Euphrates valley en route to Har Megiddo (Armageddon) in northern Israel.
Then comes the clincher. In Chapter 9, Verse 11 -- yes, that's 9:11 -- John says the leader of an army of locusts released to fight humankind is named Abaddon in Hebrew, Apollyon in Greek. Both words mean Destroyer, one of several meanings for the name "Saddam."
He said he and other "pre-trib guys," those who believe Jesus will "rapture" believers before the Great Tribulation, are convinced that the Antichrist will rule the world from a restored Babylon. That's why Hitchcock, too, thinks an invasion of Iraq will be a catalyst for end-time events.
"Once the U.S. gets Saddam out of the way," sanctions will be lifted, oil wells will flow again at full capacity and Iraq (Babylon) will regain its power, allowing the Antichrist to mount an army for an assault on Israel, he said. The stage is thus set for the Rapture, Armageddon, the Glorious Appearing and the other stages.

--end excerpt--

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