Terror trainee claims cause concern
The Age, Australia - 3 hours ago
... However, a defence expert at the Australian National University, Des Ball, said
terror attacks on Australian soil as a result of the war were unlikely, given ...
Group of seven 'pose terror risk' - Melbourne Herald Sun
Iraq threatens world terror
Melbourne Herald Sun, Australia - 4 hours ago
... A leading defence strategist, Des Ball, of the Australian National University,
said yesterday that while he still believed Iraq would be militarily crushed ...
Saddam dictates terms of war
The Age, Australia - 11 hours ago
... The prospect has prompted defence expert Professor Des Ball, of the Australian National
University, to declare the war lost - politically, if not militarily. ...
WA stations help launch Japanese spy satellites
The Age, Australia - 29 Mar 2003
... Defence analyst Des Ball, of the Australian National University's Defence and Strategic
Studies Centre, said yesterday he hoped Japan would respond by sharing ...

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