ASIO has confronted seven Australian Muslims who have had terrorism training overseas, including one particularly dangerous individual, and is closely monitoring them, according to former agent Neil Fergus.

The seven were among the risk factors indicating a heightened threat of terrorist attack within Australia because of involvement in the war on Iraq, he said, and ASIO had put them on notice that they were not anonymous in the community.
But a leading defence intelligence specialist warned yesterday that rather than cause an increased risk at home, our involvement in the war meant Australians were more likely to suffer terrorist attacks while travelling overseas or working at embassies.
Des Ball, of the Australian National University's Strategic Defence Studies Centre, said Australia's small population and lack of radical Muslim support groups meant the risk of terrorist attacks on Australian soil had not been greatly heightened by the war.
"But it (participation in the war) may well translate into more attacks against Australian facilities and people overseas," Professor Ball said.
And although the coalition would undoubtedly crush Saddam Hussein and his regime in a protracted conflict, the war would be lost in terms of its broader political goals, he said. These goals included making the US and coalition allies such as Australia safer from terrorism attacks; spreading democracy in the Middle East; being perceived as liberators rather than aggressors by Iraqis; finding Iraqi weapons of mass destruction in usable quantities; and finding evidence of links with al-Qaeda.
"I think that over some months the coalition will capture or kill Saddam and the top leadership but that the principal political objectives of this war will have most probably already been lost," he said. "The security in the long term of coalition members is going to be diminished. Australians, I think, are going over the longer term to become identified as enemies in this war (the wider war on terror).",5478,6213350%255E421,00 .html

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