At 05:00 PM 3/31/2003 +0000, lcs Mixmaster Remailer wrote:
On Fri, 28 Mar 2003 22:35:55 -0800 (PST), you wrote:
> hi,
> on the first or second day of the war-iraqi missiles
> hit kuwait-4 to 5 of them.
> After that there is no word of any more strikes in
> kuwait or else where.What is Iraq waiting for?

What's the US line on why Iraq hasn't shot nukes, chems and bio
weapons at them? If an invasion and missile bombardment of
Badhdad by the world's sole remaining superpower isn't enough,
maybe they were saving them to repel Martians? Or what?

Three scenarios spring to mind: - they don't have them - they have them but are unsure if or when is the best time to use them - they have them and are waiting for the best time to use them


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