A UNIT will be set up within Australia's security service ASIO to assess the threat of terrorism to the nation.
Just days after coming under sustained attack in Federal Parliament for underestimating the terrorism risk to Australia, the Howard Government has revealed its plans for the specialised unit to "enhance ASIO's threat assessment capability".
The Threat Assessments Unit will be responsible for assessing intelligence, preparing assessments of the threat to Australia and Australian interests from terrorism, and publishing risk levels.
A spokeswoman for Attorney-General Daryl Williams last night said the unit was "part of the Government's continuing commitment to enhancing counter-terrorism resources".
According to advertisements for interested applicants, the unit will be staffed by a director paid about $80,000 a year, a number of analysts earning up to $70,000, and a "threats production officer" responsible for publishing threat levels. Security service ASIO, which has an annual budget of about $65 million, has a staff of up to 550 working from its central office in Canberra and other offices in each capital city. The Opposition used parliamentary question times during the past fortnight to ask why Australia's terrorism threat had not been raised as a result of the war in Iraq, when the British and US governments were warning of greater risk.
Senior ministers said ASIO had not passed on any reason to upgrade the security alert level.

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