As a service-focused company; we are dedicated to providing practical, measurable, high-value solutions to challenges brought to us by a wide variety of clients: including federal, state and local government agencies; not-for-profit and community-based organizations; corporations, foreign governments;and individuals. Kagaa Management can help you:
·       Effectively oversee a large project
·       Skillfully manage a crisis
·       Strengthen customer satisfaction
·       Improve efficiency
·       Enhance your internet presence
·       Build service/product brands
Kagaa Management provides dynamic teams that bring to each assignment extensive experience and expertise in their field.
Our mission is to exceed our clients expectations by providing high quality, responsive services and products, with empowered employees, and by building relationships that stand with the test of time by keeping our promise and honoring our commitment.
Customer Satisfaction is the measurement of our success.
Kagaa Management supports organizations that are required to compete in a marketplace that has become increasingly global; organizations that must compete for employees that need highly technical skills; and organizations that must succeed within the constraints of limited resources.
Based on first hand knowledge and experience, our professionals possess the world class skill sets necessary to support our clients in improving their ability to be successful in today's complex marketplace. Our consulting approach to complex and diverse assignments include:
...developing organizational reviews, including business process re engineering, best practices studies, job task analysis;
...developing and supervising management audits;
...providing organizational strategies;
...developing management techniques required to strengthen the overall organization, policy analysis, program design, and general management and technical assistance;
...providing turn-key and technical assistance.
Our end-to-end management approach specializes in the areas of, efficiency and effectiveness reviews, core competencies analyses, program design community revitalization, grants management, and public relations and marketing.
In summary, Kagaa Management is there to listen, to assist, and to help each client improve their organization.
Kagaa Management's technical assistance approach includes:

Use quantitative and qualitative assessment to define problems accurately
Help develop and review strategic plans, including assisting in identifying possible strategies and helping the client to select those strategies that will maximize desired impacts
Design effective structures and procedures to promote organizational development
Identify and work effectively with funding sources, regulatory agencies, and other stakeholders
Identify and access new public, private, and philanthropic funding sources and strategic partners to aid program evaluation and implementation
Manage information and resources for the best cost-benefit outcomes
Design management information systems and web-based data collection tools to aid program implementation, ongoing monitoring, and self-assessment
Provide guidance on the most effective and efficient methods to satisfy regulatory requirements and the best practices pertaining to operations and service delivery
Track programs with clear and credible measurement.
Kagaa Management’s Technical Assistance has proven successful for clients from Fortune 500 companies, federal, state and local governments, to non-for-profit organizations. In preparation for the competition of the 21st century, organizations are positioning themselves to operate more efficiently and more cost effectively. However, the cost of maintaining the in-house managerial and technical expertise to obtain these efficiencies is often is prohibitive. Therefore, obtaining a source of qualified technical assistance on an as needed basis is critical to the success of every organization.
Kagaa Management provides a diverse portfolio of technical services, predicated on the principles of industry Best Practices. This requires both a clear understanding of how your enterprise currently operates and a method for identifying opportunities for improvement. Other factors impacting the competitive environment of business and government are changing technology and the development of a global marketplace. Together these changes require that management reevaluate their operating processes and identify changes necessary for remaining successful through the year 2010 and beyond.
Each client's organization, program, functional and fiscal requirements are unique and require a tailored approach. Our Team is able to offer customized organizational development, training assistance and subject matter expertise.Kagaa Management can also assess and analyze managerial, functional, behavioral and interdepartmental issues, to identify problems that compromise the integrity of the work unit; develop course materials and intervention techniques to provide solutions to problems; and conduct evaluations to measure the impact of the intervention and to determine the future needs. Can also assess and analyze managerial, functional, behavioral and interdepartmental issues, to identify problems that compromise the integrity of the work unit; develop course materials and intervention techniques to provide solutions to problems; and conduct evaluations to measure the impact of the intervention and to determine the future needs.
Homeland Security
Today, new threats to the security of your homeland place an unparalleled level of demand on government and the providers of community based services - threats that make interagency and intergovernmental collaboration imperative.
Kagaa Management helps our clients make the critical connections, both within and across government, to successfully coordinate and enable powerful enterprise solutions. We have unmatched expertise in supporting how public enterprises from federal to state to community based organizations, interface and collaborate with each other.
Kagaa Management’s professionals have the vision, depth of knowledge, experience and flexibility to partner with government to completely transform the way it does business - and unique capabilities to enhance the security of our communities. We are uniquely able to deliver a depth and breadth of capabilities and program management experience that spans from large scale, local and state government problems to the business challenges facing federal civilian agencies ...and, we have solutions, experience, and ideas that can be creatively applied to homeland security at every level of government.
Public Relations
Kagaa Management provides customized media and public relations services that includes developing media messages and strategies; recommending media sources for placement of campaigns; preparing media materials including background materials, press releases, media alerts, speeches and presentation, and press kit.
Kagaa Management's media programs include:
·       press releases
·       media alerts
·       speeches and presentations
·       press kits
·       press conferences
·       distribution of press materials
·       scheduling broadcast and/or print interviews
·       media buying services such as instantaneous satellite service

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