Police nab food-mooching hitchhike-monkey
A French peace activist is facing deportation from Australia for hitchhiking and mooching from townspeople while pretending to be running around the world.

Sylvain Quenel has been handed over to the Immigration Department after being detained at Eucla on the Western Australia-South Australia border.

Police allege the man had been hitchhiking to towns, then seeking food and other goods while pretending to have made his journey entirely on foot.

Residents along the route reported that the supposed runner had covered up to 70 kilometres in three hours.
Another international bad boy in the news...The United Nations Security Council will discuss North Korea's nuclear crisis next week. At the same time, the communist country has declared it will improve its firepower to avoid the same fate as Iraq.
The North Korean regime has been carefully watching developments in Iraq and believes it will be attacked next.

According to an official government newspaper, "the US increasing pressure upon North Korea over its nuclear issue is very similar to what happened in Iraq."

"North Korea will bolster its self-defensive military power and smash any provocation at a single blow," it continued.

The United Nations Security Council has finally agreed to discuss the crisis, with talks to be held in the middle of next week.

The council has the ability to impose sanctions on North Korea, a move Pyongyang says will amount to a declaration of war.

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