Terror trials in secret
By Luke McIlveen
SUSPECTED terrorists will be tried in secret under new laws to be introduced by the Federal Government.
Attorney-General Daryl Williams yesterday announced a crackdown on the public information to be made available in relation to potential threats to national security.
"The Government takes the protection of classified information very seriously," Mr Williams said in a statement.

"An act of espionage or the misuse of national security information has the potential to place the lives of individuals and the security of the nation in jeopardy."

The new regulations include the introduction of closed court hearings that deal with information the Government deems to be "sensitive" and "classified".
The courts will also be given the power to pare down or summarise the publicly available facts in cases considered to be an issue of national security.
"These new measures draw upon legislative regimes in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom," Mr Williams said.

The new laws will also stiffen penalties for any person who disobeys a court order or the process that handles the public disclosure processes of the court.

In addition, legal representatives will have to be subjected to security clearance before they are able to access a suspect's personal details.
"Australia now has one of the tightest, strongest pieces of legislation to protect sensitive information, including that shared by our information exchange partners," Mr Williams said.

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