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Today, dictator is usually understood to mean a person who controls or governs a totalitarian regime, and usually carries a connotation of brutality.
See also: Dictatorship, benevolent dictator, Dictatorship of the proletariat.
Ancient Rome
In its original sense, dictator meant a political office of the Roman Republic. Indeed, dictator is a Latin word that means (roughly) "one who commands". A dictator was elected in times of military emergency to take command of the state and its armies for a term of 6 months. Unlike ordinary Roman govenment officials, dictators were elected without colleagues and had no limits on their authority, military or civil. A dictator was chosen by the Senate and confirmed by a vote of the people. The dictator, once confirmed, chose his own Magister Equitum or "Commander of the Cavalry" to help him in his administration.
The best known of the Roman dictators of the regular type were Cincinnatus and Fabius Maximus (see Second Punic War). Julius Caesar was named dictator for a 10 year term in 46 BC and "dictator for life" in 45, both irregular appointments.
See Roman Republic


Editorial Reviews
Book Description
The Rants, Raves & Thoughts of Saddam Hussein is the latest title in a brand new series of thoughtful, and thought-provoking titles dealing with some of the less appealing dictators and terrorists of our time. The goals and inspirations of this new series on the modern world's terrorists and dictators is to explain, in their own words and in the words of others, what makes them so ruthless. The books demonstrate what a talented group of free-thinking writers and graphic designers can do with access to a database of information and a limitless imagination about how to let the words of these powerful, psychotic people reveal who they are, what they believe and what they hope to achieve. The Rants, Raves & Thoughts of Saddam Hussein lets you step inside the head of Iraq's notorious strongman, from his views on justice, assassination, women, Kuwait, capitalism and dying like a hero.

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