Mr Michael Smith
Rue de Moillebeau 58 
CP 2566 
1211 Geneva 2 
Phone/Fax: +41-79- 531-4536 

Dear Sir,

I know this mail will come to you as a surprise. I apologise to you if this mail hurts 
you or you take it as a spam which it is not as I am not in anyway trying to do so.

Before i proceed, let me introduce myself to you. I am Michael smith a son to the late 
Douglas Smith a diamond/gold merchant who was assasinated by agents of Swiss 
government and his assets/accounts with Swiss bank frozen by the government.He was in 
close association with the late Mobutu seseseko as he was his front to move funds to 
Swiss Bank as well as other government officials in Africa.

We need a reliable individual/Company who can help us recover the remaining funds from 
Switzerland and remaining parts of Europe as we are currently on watchlist and 
therefore cannot travel.

Before we proceed in this transaction, you have to assure us that you are very 
reliable as we would not want to fall into wrong hands.

Please mail or call us on our telephone if you can help otherwise no need for your 

You also have to assure us of truthfulness as well as confidentiality in this 
transaction as we do not want the government to be aware of this.

We look forward to your swift response to this mail.


Michael Smith
For: The Smith Family

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