Sector 5

In the world in which we live today safeguarding information assets and protecting the integrity of the networks, systems and computing infrastructures that are vital to both our business and society has become even more challenging and crucial.

This Summit brings together two powerful conferences in creating the definitive event for both private and public-sector IT security professionals. The exceptional scope of this event will provide a range of strategic insight and tactical direction to fully serve the concerns and priorities of IT security executives from Fortune 2000 enterprises, the federal government and the nation's critical-infrastructure entities.

The Enterprise IT Security and SECTOR 5 programs will run concurrently, offering morning keynotes and top-level content for the general audience, followed by break-out sessions in the afternoons geared toward topics on a more detailed level. Attendees may register for either conference exclusively, or a variety of combination packages. For more information, please visit the links below.


At Sector 5, we are introducing our range of specialised security services including Pyramidion - a family of integrated Managed Security Services consisting of
  • MIDS - Managed Intrusion Detection Service
  • MVAAS - Managed Vulnerability Assessment and Alerting Service
  • Merquery - Monitoring the Wired World
We will also be featuring
  • Security Health Check - accredited Physical and IT Assessment Services including penetration and application testing
  • Digital Investigative Services - confidential Digital Forensics, Incident Response, and System Recovery
  • Corporate Intelligence Services - specialized Risk and Threat Assessment Services
Our comprehensive, proactive security solutions enable organizations to reduce the 'risk' in risk management.

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