Loose tongues and liberty
Edited version of a lecture delivered at the Hay Festival last month - 'One of the reasons we despise politicians is that we suspect they are speaking on their own behalf while purporting to speak on ours.  Our words, being handed on by our representatives, are not getting through and they never will.  Our speaking makes not a jot of difference.  One way of looking at globalisation, for instance, is to say that it is a version of certain Orwellian authorities saying the same thing, over and over, the attempt being to keep new words, or any human doubt, need or creativity, out of the system'
( Hanif Kureishi via Guardian )
Following the lecture, Kureishi reportedly expanded on its themes by denouncing Tony Blair's New Labour government as 'fascistic, corporate-style McLabour' - see this Guardian coverage
See also this audio stream (39min ASX) of the lecture

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