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You requested info on working from home on your computer. Are you still looking?

If you've already found something, congratulations, you can just disregard this e-mail.(We won't contact you again.)

If you're still looking I'm pretty sure you'll like what we've got.

How would you like to process overnight shipping refunds for companies that use FedEX and UPS from your home computer? , if you're anything like most people I talk to you'd love to work from home if the business was REAL.

Well, this is the REAL on the here to access the FREE REPORT!

Announcing Refund Recovery? Software, The New Easy-To-Use Program That Finally Allows You To Process Overnight Shipping Refunds for Companies That Use FedEx and UPS from your home computer.

You can work your own business hours; part-time or full-time, morning or evening. All you need is a PC-compatible computer and an internet connection.

Become A Refund Processor Today!

Click here to get started!

Thanks for your time,
The Overnight Recovery Software Staff

P.S. I want to assure you this opportunity has NOTHING to do with MLM, internet marketing, affiliate programs, or any goofy scheme.


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