The Great American Holiday

T'was an American invention, this July the Fourth
One that was born neither South nor North.

Remember the masses that long to be free?
They continue to count on you and me

The lady in the harbor shows the way
For every man, women and child this colorful day

Parks and beaches are filled with celebration
But at home many are filled with humiliation

Why do we celebrate this July the Fourth?
Do we appreciate our cherished course?

From Francis Scott Key the words ring true
'Tis our heritage to wave red, white and blue

"Do unto others", the main book reads
Our forefathers predicted our needs

Let freedom ring is the cry
While others shout, "Let it die"

We celebrate from South to North
But what is it we celebrate on this July the Fourth?

To rightly proclaim this day to be
Remember the harbor and all its tea

"Ask not… " one great man said
Freedom remains our daily bread.

For the battles and wars that have been waged
Our freedom is still intact, if somewhat enraged.

Generations have come and gone
Our liberty marches on

Blacks and whites are citizens too
Let us not forget, it's nothing new

Old and young are part of the equation
Sacrifice was the order of the day for an older generation

Freedom is more than just a word
It's the life blood of any bird.

As America's Eagle soars
Protecting liberty is a daily chore.

Take up the fight, my fellow countrymen
Freedom is a right, a right to the very end.

Pray freedom rings true for future generations
both South and North
This is why we celebrate this July the Fourth

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