The World's Smallest DIGITAL CAMERA, CAMCORDER & WEBCAM! All built into

Small Enough to Fit on a Keychain... Big Enough to Take High-Quality
Digital Photos, Record Video, & Act as a Full-Motion Webcam!

This is the World's first incredible Mini-Digital Camera, so versatile
it's awesome! Retailers are selling them for over $200 but we have an
exclusive web-offer of ONLY $39.95!

Every Order Includes:

- Smart Mini Camera (functions as digital camera/camcorder/webcam)
- USB connector cable
- Leather Case
- Image editing software
- Keychain
- BATTERY (AAA size)

Get more Info here:

* Capture Full-Motion Video
* Take Digital quality photos
* Internet ready WebCam

Seen on TechTv, Discovery Channel, MTV, & others!

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