What were you doing on 9/11?  I was in the act of packaging our first
build of GnuPG for the Distribution when the planes hit.  It took me a
couple of days to clear my head abit and write the GNU-Darwin encryption
position paper.  When a drumbeat for post-9/11 encryption bans started
in the US Congress the very day after the attack, I wrote faster and
got help from smart people on the "Free Dmitry" list and elsewhere. 
Any remarks about any of this?


IMHO, it is exactly this kind of commentary which scuttled an attack
on free encryption software in the wake of the attack.  Moreover, the
monolith authentication schemes were also laid to rest or driven
underground, despite the fact that certain profiteering
vendor/stakeholders had inside access in Washington.  It might have
been a very different Internet today.

Most of the commentary about the paper has been positive, except for
some criticism of pursuing private keys with warrants.  Gosh, I think my
head was not as clear as I thought on that point, a fact that time
and experience has fortunately remedied.  ;-}  Anyway, all comments


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