Dear Friend,

I am the Managing Director, C.E.O of a
security-consulting firm, having specialization in
governmental, industrial, and domestic
 security operations and consultancy.
I retired from the Nigerian military service
after 30 years of service. My last appointment in the
military before retirement was as the Director of
Army Finance Accounts (DAFA). Under this
responsibility I administered the entire National
defense budget.
Upon the advent of civilian administration in the
country in 1999, myself and some other senior military
 officers from the rank of Colonel, who were considered
 political officers, were prematurely disengaged from 
service.Before vacating office, I was able to appropriated 
a sum of US$7.5million in cash from the Special Security
vault of (DAFA)and deposit it in Royal Trust (&security)bank ltd
 Due to some logistic constraints and inhibitions on my part, 
I have not been able to infuse this money into the banking system 
in order to utilize it for any meaningful purpose. 
I am writing to see if you can liaise with me in having 
this money properly channeled into a secured investment.
I would consider any joint investment opportunity
with you, probably in the areas of Real Estate orany 
other business venture.
I am willing to give you further information if you
would consider my proposal.You can also contact me
on my private mail address [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yours faithfully,

Gen Peter Odion (RTD)

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