Dr Joe Nnamdi
Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation
Central Business District,
Herbert Macaulay Way
Lagos – Nigeria.

I am Dr.Joe Nnamdi, a top management staff in the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) and I head a seven-man tender’s board in charge of Contract Awards and Payments Approvals.
I came to know of you in my search for a reliable and reputable person to handle a very confidential transaction that involves the transfer of a huge sum of money to a foreign account. 
 There were series of contracts executed by a consortium Multinationals in the oil industry in favour ofNNPC among which were:

1. The supply of Y2K compliant personal computers and accessories to the Warri, Port Harcourt and Kaduna refineries.

2. Supply of drugs and relief materials to the victims of the Niger/Delta

3. The construction of schools, hospitals and housing units in
the Niger/Delta region.

The original value of these contracts were deliberately over- invoiced to  the sum of US$ FORTY ONE MILLION, FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS (US$41.5M) which has been approved and is now ready to be ransferred.
Unfortunately, my colleague and I cannot handle the transfer of this US$41.5M without the assistance of a foreign partner who we shall resent to NNPC as the sub-contractor for the claim of this US$41.5M.
Our assurance is that your role is risk free, as we will accord the ransaction the legality it deserves and for mutual security of the fund, the whole procedures will be officially and legally processed with your name, and of any Company you may nominate as the beneficiary to the fund.

On the successful transfer of this fund within the stipulated period
of 10 working days, we will meet you for our share of the fund.
On this note, it is clear to you that this very mutual  golden opportunity will be base on our conviction of your transparent honesty and diligence.
 You will know further details on your acceptance of this offer.
Yours truly,
Dr.Joe Nnamdi.

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