You may be surprise to receive this Email from me since you do not know  me 
personally. However, I would like to introduce myself. I am Mr. Daniel Stevens, the 
son of Dr. Denis Stevens who was murdered in Zimbabwe as a result of land dispute. 
Before the death of my father  (Dr Stevens), he had taken me to AMSTERDAM to deposit 
the sum of Ten  Million United States Dollars (US$10M) in a Security and Finance 
Company, as he foresaw the looming danger in Zimbabwe. The money in question was 
deposited in a box as Gemstones to avoid much demurrage from the Security and Finance 
Company. The proposed amount was meant for the purchase of new machines and chemicals 
for the farms and establishment of new  farms on Swaziland. As you may be aware this 
land problem came into force  when Zimbabwe president Mr. Robert Mugabe Introduced the 
Land Reformed Act  of which many rich farmers and some black farmers where affected.

This resulted to the killing and mob action by Zimbabwe war veterans and some lunatics 
the society. In fact, a lot of people were killed because of this Land Reformed act of 
which my dad was one of the victims. It is against this background that my family and 
I who are currently staying in Amsterdam decided to transfer my father's money with 
the Security and Finance
Company to a foreign account since the Dutch law prohibit a refugee (asylum  seeker)
to open any account or be involved in any financial transaction. As the eldest son of 
my father, I am saddled with the responsibility of  seeking a genuine foreign account 
where the money could be transferred .

I am faced with the dilemma of investing this amount of money in Holland for the  fear 
of going through the same experience in future since both countries  have
similar history. Moreover, The Netherlands foreign exchange policy does  not allow 
such investment from asylum seekers. As a businessman, whom I  have entrusted my 
future and my family in his hands,  I must let you know  that this transaction is risk 
free. If you accept to assist me and my  family, all I need you to do for me is to 
make arrangement and come to AMSTERDAM,  THE NETHERLANDS, so that we can open the 
non-resident account which will  aid us in transferring the money into any account you 
will nominate overseas.

  This money I intend using for investment. I have options to offer you, first  you 
can choose to have certain percentage of the money for nominating your account for the 
transaction, or you can go into partnership for a  proper rofitable investment of the 
money in your country. Whichever option  you choose, feel free to notify me. I have 
mapped out 5% of this money for
all expenses incurred in processing the transaction. If for some reasons  you do not 
prefer a partnership, I am willing to give you 25% of the money while the remaining 
70% that is meant for me, will be for the investment in  your country. Please, contact 
me on the above Email so  that we can discuss further.

Yours faithfully,


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