Block 20,Flat 2,1004 Estate
Victoria Island Lagos


Dear Sir

It's my pleasure to send you this mail which I hope you will treat as highly
confidential. I am Mr.JERRY PETER ,A 53 years old man and the Deputy
Officer with the Central Bank of Nigeria lagos.During the Military regime
of Late General Sani Abacha, contracts runing into several millions of
were awarded to friends and cronies fronting for the late despotic ruler,but
unfortunately before such payments could go
through, he died mysteriously in power.

I am writing you for assistance in transfering the sum of US$36.8 million
dollars into your account.This amount represents just a payment due to one
of his friends for a contract awarded to him but was not actually
executed,he is afraid to come forward to claim the money for fear of being

This money is lying dormant in the vaults of the Central Bank of Nigeria
and I use this opportunity to crave your indulgience in transfering this
money intoyour account, this business is totally risk free,it is only
myself that is aware of this floating money.For your assistance,I am
willing to give you 30% of the total sum,while you will assist me in
investing my share in viable businesses in your country pending when I
eventually resign my appointment and join you.Please if you know you can
assist me,endeavour to get in touch with me as soon as possible so i can
give you the necessary details so as to conclude the transfer within 7

I am waiting for your urgent fax messages with respect to this



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