URGENT BUSINESS PROPOSAL From the Desk of:  Thompson Oduyemi
Dear Sir. 
This letter may come to you as a surprise since it is coming from someone you have not 
met before. However, we decided to contact you based on a satisfactory information we 
had about you.I am a Medical Doctor currently working with the Petroleum Trust Fund 
(PTF). I and some of my close and trusted colleagues need your assistance in the 
transfer of US$21.8 million into any reliable Account you may nominate overseas.This 
fund was generated from over-invoicing of contracts executed by the PTF under our 
control and supervision. This fund is now ready to be remitted into any Account we put 
forward for that purpose. What we want from you is a good and reliable company or 
personal Account into which we shall transfer this fund. Details should include the 
following:1. Name of Company, Address  & Your Private Telephone  & Fax Number. 2. Name 
of Bank & Address of Bank .3. Account Number 4. Beneficiary Name Upon receipt of your 
company  & bank particulars, an application shall be made !
 in your name to the Central Bank of Nigeria for the approval of the remittance of the 
funds which shall be by SWIFT (Telegraphic transfer) copies of the approval and other 
relevant documents shall be faxed to you for your perusal.please treat as strictly 
confidential for obvious reasons. The fund will be shared as follows:1. 30% for your 
assistance 2. 60% for myself & my Colleagues 3. 10% for contingency expenses We wish 
to assure you that your involvement should you decide to assist us, will be well 
protected, and also, this business, proposal is 100% risk free as the remittance will 
be made through the legal procedures.Note: your discussions regarding this transaction 
should be limited because we are still in government service. We intend to retire 
peacefully at the end of this transaction. Let honesty and trust be our watchword 
throughout this transaction and your prompt reply will be highly appreciated.Thank you 
for your anticipated cooperation while we look forward to !
 a mutually benefiting business relationship with you.
Best Regards.

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