FROM:MRS ROSE MOBUTU SESESEKO (COAST)WEST AFRICAN ATTN; DEAR SIR I am writing to you with my personal respect and delight towards this urgent business transaction as at hand. But briefly, I am MRS ROSE MOBUTU SESESEKO. Iam the wife of former President of Republic of CONGO,late President MOBUTU SESESEKO, who died in exile as a result of military / Civilian problems (may his soul rest in peace).There was a deposit of $35 million USDollars, made by my late husband in one of the foreign private security and finance company in over seas, which was registered as family valuables. Since then, there has not been good chance to make the withdrawal of the money.But recently, I instructed my uncle to make the withdrawal of the fund, so that we an be able to launch the business we have already proposed establish in oversea. But latest information, I got from my uncle was that the deposit was made with a foreign name,that I should urgently source for a foreign! partner who will stand as the beneficiary of the fund, so that there will be an easy withdrawal. That all other documents for the withdrawal are very okay. But my condition and my possibilities makes it very difficult for me to approach any person for recommendation, as this business does not in any way requires public advertisement. That is my reason of contacting you for this very important assistance. Only l will not hesitate to giv you the 20 % of the total fund for assistance in this business. Be assured that there is no risk in this business. For there are many other discussions as regards the investment proposal of the fund. So, if you can be able to assist me,please do urgently reply me, and don't forget to give me your telephone and fax number while replying this letter.Thank you and God bless. Yours sincerely, MRS ROSE MOBUTU SESESEKO.

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