At 11:03 AM 9/1/03 +0200, Andrew Thomas wrote:
>> b) realize that the distributed method you suggest already
>> exists - it is called procmail(*).
>Procmail serves no purpose by itself. It requires no small
>amount of effort on the part of the administrator to utilise
>for any type of systems implmentation, and thus administrators
>with limited time (common in smaller companies) will rather rely
>on (flawed) projects than self-initiated implementations.

The "overworked small netadmin" will simply use someone else's
scripts.  Not hard.

>> (*) or you could setup a dummy email account on all
>The above is useful information. Specifically, the recognition
>of duplicate mail receipts is a concept that is new to me, though

You're behind then.  Putting "harvest this and get blocked"
email bait is common practice, eg on websites with addresses.

I don't suppose you've ever heard of fake streets in maps
(cartographic watermarks) to detect copying?

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