You may be surprise to receive this letter from me since you do not know me 
personally.I am mr ABEL MUZENDA the first son of DR CHITEPO MUZENDA who was murdered 
along with other oppositions by my government on 19th november 2002.I got your contact 
from the information desk of a very reliable source hence I have decided to contact 
you for your
       Before the death of my father,he has deposited the sum of nine millions three 
hundred and fifty thousand united states dollars($9,350,000)in a security and finance 
firm here in Amsterdam the Netherlands.For security reasons this money was deposited 
as precious stones pending the cessation of violence that plagued my country due to 
the introduction of land reform decree act by the authority of president Robert mugabe 
     My father set this money aside for the purchase of modern equipment for a full 
mechanized farming.He had planned an expansion of his farms fully equipped with modern 
tools due to the high product demands from his then registered farm products 
   He could not realize this project due to his death in the hands of enemies.After 
the death of my father,we became apparent target and constant death threats hence the 
urgent need for an immediate secret relocation.We were helped out by a government 
insider who saw the urgent need for our safety from the hands of would be assassins.He 
arranged a secret exit for us into the Netherlands where we have currently sought a 
political asylum.
    With our current status here as refugee,we are under a strict restriction from any 
financial transaction of any sort and as the first son in the family,I am now faced 
with the burden of how to secure and the investment of this fund.For this reason I 
have decided to seek the assistance of a company or a genuine and honest individual 
who could provide us with a foreign account where this fund can be deposited without 
the knowledge of my government.You should also bear in mind that the sole 
responsibility of investing this funds lies solely in your hands since we are barred 
from any form of investment under our current status.
    What myself and my mother need you to do now is come to Amsterdam the Netherlands 
to open a non resident account where this fund could be transferred.This is all we 
have in our life hence the need for absolute confidentiality throughout this process.
   For your assistance you would need to choose between two options,you might choose 
for a certain percentage of the total sum for providing an account or go into a 
partnership with us.
We have also set aside 5% of the total sum for any expenses that might be incurred in 
course of this transaction.Should you choose to have a certain percentage,we would be 
willing to give you 20% and the remaining 75% meant for the family would be invested 
in your country.
    Please let me know what your options are through the above email address.You may 
also include any other information you might want me to have like your confidential 
fax and telephone numbers fore more talks.Please keep this as strictly confidential 
for the interest of myself and my mother.
Your urgent response would be appreciated.
Thanks and God bless.


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