The hot new toy for Christmas is here: The Mini Radio
Controlled boats! These new mini-R/C boats look like a
normal toy boat. That is where the similarities end!
These tiny wonders are a full, six direction radio
controlled (r/c) boat! You get to maneuver your mini
sized boat with a remote control unit instead of your
hand! People any age can get in on the fun and adventure
of mini remote control boating.

Visit site below for more information


* Full-function 6 way remote control
* DUAL High Speed Motors
* 45-second "insta-charge"
* Range up to 30 feet
* 15 minutes of running time
* Micro small size: less than 3" long
* No assembly required. Just charge and start boating!

                --- ONLY $29.95 ---

You'll pay $59.99+ at the store, if you can find them!

Visit site below to order now!

  This is a VERY LIMITED TIME offer. We will sell out.
     These are simply way to HOT for you to pass up!

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