Dear Sir/madam
I got your contact from an email directory and decided to contact you for
assistance. I am the son of Jonas Savimbi the rebel leader in Angola who
was short dead on the 25th of February, 2002, by the opposing Angolan Army.
Before the death of my father he had transferred the sum of $16,000,000.00
(Sixteen million dollars) through a security company in South Africa to
All the legal documents for the deposit and transfer of this fund to Europe
are with my mother which my father gave to her for safe keeping.
After the death of my father I and my family fled to South Africa where we
are currently living.
And we have been trying to fly to Europe but it has been difficult for us
to get visas from Africa. So we want you to help us make claims of this
fund ($16m) in Europe as my family beneficiary and transfer the money to
your account or any account of your choice before I and my family can get
visas to fly down to your country so that we can share this money.
My family have agreed to give you 10%, which would be ($1.6Million dollars)
of this Money for your assistance, and 87% would be for us and the other 3%
would be set aside for any expenses that we may incure during the course of
this transaction. And part of our share of 87% would be invested in your
country in any profitable business proposed by you. While a large part of
our share will also be used to help charity organizations.
We have never met, but I want to trust you and please do not let us down
when this fund finally gets into your account. Please if you are
interested; get to me through my email address to enable me feed you with
more details and all necessary documentations.
Please treat this as confidential
Best regards.

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