>From Kenneth Lamar 
Tel:0034 650 124 734 

Attn : SIR/MADAM, 

This letter may come to you as a surprise because we have not met but was borne out of 
my sincere desire for assistance and to establish a business relationship with you. 

My name is Kenneth Lamar,the son of Chief Williams T. Lamar(the former financial 
Director of Sierra Leone national minning corporation) who was killed and mutilated by 
the military junta led by Major Foday Sankoh after overthrowing the elected government 
of President Tejan Kabah. 

Though I do not know to what extent you are familiar with events and disturbances in 
Sierra Leone but it has consistent features in CNN,BBC news bulletins. The pressure of 
war drove the rest of our family out of Sierra Leone into exile in Spain(Barcelona) 
where we have been living under political asylum for 6 months now. 

Sadly,my mother died of cancer 2 months after our arrival but before her death,she 
handed over to me a certificate meant for a secret deposited trunk box which my father 
made in a security company in Madrid,Spain and she disclosed to me that the trunk box 
contains US$ Million Dollars. 

The money was paid to the minning corporation under him by it's overseas customers in 
the heat of the war but he made the deposit in his name with the hope of converting it 
to his personal use at the end of the war but was killed when the conflict intensified 
as a result of his opposition to the rebel forces. 

I have contacted the security company to confirm the deposit and established 
ownership. Due to the death of my mother and the continued hostility in Sierra Leone,I 
have decided to solicit for the assistance of an honest and trustworthy person that 
will assist me in the withdrawal of the trunk box for investment purposes. 

I cannot do it alone due to my present status and total ignorance in business and 
investment as I was in school before the outbreak of the war. You will be given a 
nogotiable percentage of the money at the end of the transaction.If you are 
trustworthy and interested in the proposal, contact me immediately for more details. 

You must maintain absolute confidentiality to ensure success also include your 
personal telephone number when replying. It is very important to not that during my 
fact finding mission to establish ownership of the subject matter,I decided here and 
now to write you this mail.I await your quick response. Please you can reply to my 
privet Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]  or my Tel: 0034 650 124 734.

Best regards, 
Kenneth Lamar. 

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