
We have obviously not met and as such you may be astonished to receive this mail. I am Mrs Jewel Taylor, the wife of the embattled former President of Liberia, Charles Taylor. Following the offer of a Political asylum to my husband by the Nigerian Government, we arrived here in Abuja yesterday the 11the of August, 2003.
My husband is now in Calabar in the south eastern part of Nigeria while I, and the rest of the family are in an undisclosed location here in Abuja. The reasons why I am here is to assist in the protection of my husband's scattered and battered investment as well as  liaise with the New Home Interim  Government, now lead by Moses Blar and the international community especially the West African Sub-regional Governments.
Due to the hurried way and manner that characterized my husband's exit from office.And coupled with the effect of the on going civil war, the activities of the rebels and the continuous seizure of my husband's assets in the Western world especially in Swiss where over $150m bank investments has been confiscated. I then carefully concealed the sum of $45,000,000.00(forty five million US Dollars) into two boxes and successfully moved them to an undisclosed location in Europe in the care of a security firm.
The two boxes containing the above sum in cash were moved out of Liberia a few days ago. The security firm has confirmed the safe arrival of the boxes. The keys and certificate of deposit issued by the firm are now with me. The content of the boxes are unknown to anyone with the exception of the two of us. The boxes were moved after being marked as diplomatic cargos. In such a way that no customs will query the cargo.
The reason that I write to you now is to request for your in-dept co-operation in claiming this cargoes from the Security firm in Europe. Once you have declared your intension to help my family with this. I will send you the keys, the certificate of deposit and also the address and contact phone and fax numbers of the company in Europe.
You will be well rewarded for doing our family this favour. 35% will be yours while 5% will be sent aside for all possible expenses that may have been incurred in the course of the claims. The rest 60% will be left for the entire family. Since my movement is restricted by political law of asylum. You will be introduced to a friend of the family who is presently based in Lagos Nigeria to assist you. He is incidentally my new Lawyer in this country. He is Barrister Tunde Bamidele, emails address<[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I will like to stop so far while hoping to hear from you as soon as it is possible. Like I said earlier, you should understand that someone enjoying political asylum in another man's country is legally bound from any form of economic transaction. This makes this transaction very confidential. Please, if you can work with me you must keep my secret Moreover, the family has given you full trust and it will be expected that you will not let us down.
Yours truly,
Jewel Taylor(MRS)

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